
There function various FORUMS in Carmelgiri St. Joseph Pontifical Seminary for the holistic development of the seminarians. Some of the major forums are the following:

  • Liturgical Forum
  • Sacred Music Forum
  • Missiology Forum (CSMF)
  • Jesus Fraternity Forum
  • Ecumenism & Dialogue Forum
  • Pastoral Orientation Forum (PDF)
  • Cultural & Literary Forum (CALACS)
  • Hopkins & Guntert Forum
  • Social Service Forum
  • Bible Academy Forum
  • Sports & Games Forum
  • Agricultural Forum
  • Koinonia Forum
  • Migrants Welfare Forum
  • Social Action Forum
  • Good Shepherd Forum
  • Writers’ Forum
  • Forum for Media & Internet Ministry
  • Forum for Apologetics & Research.

CALACS – The Cultural and Literary Association of Carmelgiri Seminary

CALACS is the coordinating body of all the cultural and literally activitiesin the Seminary. Presently the functioning of the same is guided by Rev. Dr. Charles Leon.

CALACS organizes various programmes and meetings such as Freshers’ Day, Arts Day, Alumni Day, Onam Celebrations, Christmas Celebrations, Auxiliary Staff Day, Independent Day etc.

Carmelgiri Seminary Missiology Forum (CSMF)

The Carmelgiri Seminary Missiology Forum (CSMF) aims at inculcating greater missionary spirit among the seminarians. One of the main activities of the forum is conducting the mission week celebrations in the month of October, in which the Church celebrates the Mission Sunday.
The members of the forum gather together every Monday for prayer and share their mission aspirations and experiences.

CALACS organizes various programmes and meetings such as Freshers’ Day, Arts Day, Alumni Day, Onam Celebrations, Christmas Celebrations, Auxiliary Staff Day, Independent Day etc.

Jesus Fraternity Forum

Jesus Freternity Forum is a spiritual movement in the Catholic Church in India doing jail ministry. The service is one of visiting the prisoners in the various jails of the State, bringing them consolation and looking after their rehabilation, if that is possible. It has its official approval from the Church. The students of Carmelgiri Seminary are also active in this mission.

Koinonia of Brothers in Christ

Koinoinia is a platform for would be priests to equip themselves for their future ministry through service that fosters community living. It aims to develop the spirit of Koinonia experienced in the early Christian community. The members gather every Tuesday for prayer and sharing. Prayer for vocation is an essential aspect of their forum.

Social Service Apostolate

The Carmelgiri Social Service Apostolate intends to serve the poor and the margenalised. About fifty students from the different batches are active in this forum. The forum raises small amounts by fasting on Fridays, collecting and selling waste paper, publishing and selling the annual diary, running a small saloon for dair dressing, and by inviting voluntary contributions to the poor man’s fund. This forum distributes lunch packets for poor ones in the town on Thursdays and Sundays.
