Witnessing to the Gospel in a Pluralistic World
National Conference
January 20, 2020
8.30 Registration
9.00 Poster Exhibition
9.30 Inauguration:
Inaugural Address: Rt. Rev. Dr. Varghese Chakkalakal,
Presidential Address and Introduction to RIC cdpf: Rev. Dr. Chacko Puthenpurackal
10.40 to 10.55 Tea Break
10.55 to 11.45 Keynote Address: Prof. Dr. Francis Gonsalves SJ
11.45 to 12.35 Presentation 1: Rev. Dr. D. Alphonse
Church as a Witnessing Community to Christ.
12.35 to 14.00 Lunch Break
Concurrent Sessions
14.00 to 16.00
- Presentation 2: Dr. Antony Kurisingal
Interreligious Dialogue: Opportunities and Challenges.
- Presentation 3: Dr. Bijoy Augustine Marottikal
Telling the Story of Jesus in the Multi-religious India: Towards a Mission Christology.
- Presentation 4: Dr. Charles Leon
Contemporary Socio-Political Challenges ahead of Christian Witnessing in India.
- Presentation 5: Dr. Kuriakose Poovathumkudy
Centennial Reminiscence: Re-reading of Maximum Illud.
- Presentation 6: Dr. Raju Plathottam
Role of Education in the Context of Mission in the 21st Century.
- Presentation 7: Sr. Dr. Ruby CTC
Contributions of Missionaries in India/Kerala and Their Psychological Impacts.
- Presentation 8: Dr. Shaji Jerman
Dependence to Transcendence: Mission Diocese into a Missionary Diocese.
- Presentation 9: Fr. D. Shajkumar
A New Evangelization in Action: A Case Study of Anjappam-Neyyattinkara.
- Presentation 10: Dr. Sugun Leon
Communication of Trinitarian Mission Today.
- Presentation 11: Dr. Sujan Amrtham
The Gospel-Values Unveiled in the Main Stories of T. Padmanabhan.
- Scholars Meet – Concept Paper: Research and Scholarship Collaboration for Pastoral Excellence and Community Development – Possibilities and New Initiatives of a Common Platform.
Rev. Dr. Johny Xavier Puthukkattu
16.00 to18.00 Tea Break & Leisure
Plenary Sessions
18.00 to18.30 Evening Prayer
18.30 to 19.15 Presentation12: Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara
Missio ad gentes: The Perennial Mission of the Church in India.
19.15 to 20.00 Presentation 13: Rev. Dr. Jenson Puthenveettil
De-islandification of Faith – Philosophical View.
20.00 Supper
21.00 to 21.50 Cultural Programme
January 21, 2020
9.00 to 9.10 Resume
9.10 to 10.00 Presentation 14: Swami Dr. Sachiddananda Bharati
Sanyasa – A Hindu-Christian Meeting Point.
10.00 to 10.50 Presentation 15: Rev. Sr. Dr. Teresa CSST
Transformative Pathways of Education in Nation Building: Contributions of Christian Missionaries – A Historical Analysis.
10.50 to 11.10 Break/ Tea/Coffee
11.10 to 11.55 Presentation 16: Rev. Dr. Joy Puthussery ISch
Integrated Life for an Integrated Mission.
11.55 to 12.40 Presentation 17: Rev. Dr. Xavier Francis Tharamel SJ
Christian Models of Pluralistic Engagements.
12.40 to 14.00 Lunch Break
14.00 to 14.20 Presentation 18: Rev. Dn. Thomas Joosa
A Heiddeggarian Reading of Markan Temptation Account (Mk1:12-13).
14.20 to 14.55 Presentation 19: Rev. Dr. Vincent Kundukulam
Plausibility of Christianity in a Pluralistic World.
15.00 to 16.15 Valedictory Function
Chief Guest: Rev. Dr. Gasper Kadaviparambil.